The project
NEWADA duo (Network of Danube Waterway Administrations, data and user orientation) was co-funded within the fourth call of the
EU South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program. Implementation of the project began on 1 October 2012.
The following topics were represented: coordinated improvement of the quality of water levels information, harmonized data publishing on critical sectors, harmonization of marking plans in the joint sector of the Danube River, coordinated incorporation of waterway depth data in electronic navigation charts, coordinated preparation of paper electronic navigation charts, coordinated development of
WLAN, further development of the
FIS portal for the Danube, testing of
virtual and remote-controlled signs for waterway marking through pilot actions, coordinated process improving of collecting hydrographic data, integrated waterway management, common definition of performance indicators of administration work for waterways, as well as cooperation in the field of public relations and strategic communications of Danube waterway administrations.

International Consortium that has implemented the project, beside
Plovput, has consisted of: “
via donau”–Austrian Waterway Company, leading partner of the project (Austria), “
SVP”- Slovak Water Management Company (Slovakia), “
OVF” (Hungary), “
RSOE”- National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications (Hungary),
Agency for Inland Waterways (Croatia),
River Administration of the lower Danube Galati (Romania),
Administration for navigational channels (Romania) and the
Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River (Bulgaria).
Observer status in the project have had the following international organizations and national institutions: Danube Commission, International Sava River Basin, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, Regional Directorate for navigation South (Germany), National park "Duna Auen" (Austria), etc.
The project objectives were further orientation towards waterways customers,
international harmonization of standards and improvement of navigation conditions on the Danube.

The final conference of the NEWADA duo project, was held on 11 November 2014 in Budapest. The conference brought together over 120 participants, among whom were representatives of Danube Waterway Administrations, the Danube Commission, the European Commission,the Joint Technical Secretariat of South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program, representatives of shipping companies and logistic companies and other stakeholders of the project.
The conference presented the results, of a two-year cooperation of 9 partners from 7 Danube countries, on improving the quality of information on the state of the fairway and navigational conditions on the Danube: Danube FIS portal, applications for harmonization of waterway marking plans and publication of the current state of waterway marking, functional improvement D4D portal, navigation paper maps of the Danube, electronic navigation maps with bathymetric data, the Common Danube Report, the Danube Glossary, etc.
For detailed information on Plovput’s participation in project
NEWADA duo please contact our coordinator:
M.Sc Ivan Mitrovic
Radionica za zainteresovane strane projekta - Stakeholders' Workshop